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Intrigued…Very intrigued…amused…want

  • Emma Caulfield of Buffy fame stars in this interesting twist on soul mates.  Finally a movie that infuses science fiction and romantic comedies!


  • A little heavy on the product placement but now I want to know what the eff is in that box!!!!
  • Finally Twitter Explained
  • Michel Gondry, Leos Carax and Bong Joon-ho co-direct a three-way Japanese mind-fuck.  Sadly, I missed the nyc screenings and am now subsequently upset.

  1. Menzie
    April 1, 2009 at 10:43 AM

    Finally, a visual representation of my disdain for twitter! I especially love the FailWhale coming and eating people.

    Also, saw Tokyo! 2 weeks ago. It’s pretty good, and the first and third pieces capture Japanese themes and the Japanese mentality (as I understand it) quite well. The second piece was way off the map. While you could argue the second piece approaches Japan’s xenophobia, it’s still a stretch. You’ll like the film, but you can probably skip the second piece.

    And you should watch Take Care of My Cat. Slice of life piece about five high school friends in Korea. A good story and an interesting observation of Korean women’s issues.

  2. The humans are dead
    April 6, 2009 at 2:31 PM

    Saw Tokyo. You totally called it. First= Great. Middle one-eh alright. Third one= pretty good until the cheesy “love” tattoo at the end.

  3. Menzie
    April 21, 2009 at 12:32 AM

    My girlfriend totally wants those tattoos now though. And one for me. Specifically, she wants me to have a mute button. Me, I want a volume nob so I can make her louder. Such a quiet little Japanese woman.

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